

Improving Women’s Mental Health Education

Members have written three chapters on women’s mental health for the Yale OB/GYN department to use in training future gynecologists in the recognition and treatment of common mental health issues in women, including premenstrual dysphoric disorder, menopausal issues, and perinatal mental health.

To better train future psychiatrists in key clinical issues, WMHC also developed a novel 7-session curriculum to train 2nd year psychiatry residents on the management of gender-based violence, perinatal mental health, eating disorders and more. The curriculum incorporated material from the National Curriculum in Reproductive Psychiatry.

Community Engagement During COVID-19

To keep ourselves and our communities safe, the government and various health organizations are advising families to quarantine and avoid social contact. However, the home may not be a safe place for many women and children during this time. COVID-19 has statistically increased the number of distress calls received by domestic violence helplines. The risk of injury or death for women and children increases significantly when isolating with an abuser.

In an effort to support victims of IPV during the global pandemic, the WMHC team collaborated with the Hope Family Justice Center, community-based organizations who provides clinical and social support services for survivors of gender-based violence. WMHC helped raise nearly $8,000 for the Center to cover food and re-homing costs for survivors.

Combating Gender-Based Violence During COVID-19

In partnership with the Hope Family Justice Center, WMHC developed a clinical training seminar on gender-based violence. The panel presentation educated clinical professionals on how to screen, counsel, manage and refer patients struggling with intimate partner violence and other abuses during COVID-19. The seminar was delivered to clinical staff during September 2020 at all of Yale’s clinical sites, including Yale Psychiatric Hospital, Yale Department of Psychiatry and Connecticut Mental Health Center.

Improving Care for Patients

In collaboration with Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale Psychiatry and Yale OB/GYN leadership, committee members are working hard to create a place where women-identified patients can receive specialized care for women’s mental health issues. Few clinics specifically focused on women’s mental health exist in the United States, let alone the world. Such a cutting-edge clinic could both educate future physicians on women’s mental health while providing top-of-the-line mental health care to women.