On October 25th, 2019,

A group of 20 dedicated students and trainees launched the first-ever Women’s Mental Health Conference hosted at Yale University.


Keynote Address by V, Formerly Eve Ensler

We were thrilled that V, the author of the Vagina Monologues, graciously agreed to headline the conference. Her incredible empathy, activism, and soulful insights into women’s mental health moved the packed auditorium to both laughter and tears. Her talk was open to the public and attracted over 400 attendees. Eve’s keynote, which is available online, was followed by a private lunch with students and trainees.


Opening Session

The opening session featured powerful talks by two faculty members and two trainees, who outlined why they care about women’s mental health and their hopes for the conference. Each speaker brought a different perspective and powerful life story to their talk. Chyrell Bellamy, PhD, MSW; Ariadna Forray, MD; Kayla Issacs, medical student; and Casey Chu, public health student, were the featured speakers.

Concurrent Sessions

We received over 40 session proposals from around the nation and globe, and ultimately selected 17 for presentation at the conference. These 50-minute sessions provided practical skills and insights on a wide array of women’s mental health topics, from the effects of colorism on women’s wellbeing to the history of women’s marginalization in psychiatric practice to the management of substance use in pregnancy.

Our 2019 Supporters

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